welcome to my e-portfolio

assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera to everyone...


This teaching portfolio was created to fulfill the requirement in this subject:- SSI3013 Information and Communication Technology In Science. Creating this E-Portfolio is very useful and important for me as the basement to be a versatile coming teacher. Through this E-Portfolio, I am able to upload any assessment or assignment, consequently I can give a lot of useful input regarding how to create interactive teaching and learning and why it so important to be familiar with latest technology facility of educational field.

Hopefully, I will able to keep this e-portfolio as long as I can. Other than that, whatever information that I am going to post at my e-portfolio wall has an ability to help everyone who is seeking for the related information.

So enjoys yourself while reading my e-portfolio. :-)

overall reflection

What I get from ICT in Science Class?

This semester I’ve registered the Information and Communication Technology In Science (SSI3013) course which conducted by Prof Dr Sopia Bt Md Yasin and miss suziati Bt Ibrahim. Both of them conduct the lecture class and practical season respectively. Throughout 14 week, there are a lot of teaching and learning skills that I’ve learnt. All of these moments and experience will be the basement for me to perform well as a teacher to be. My friends and I were learnt on how to create this E-Portfolio, presentation by using Interactive White Board (IWB) facility, data logging experiment and last one refers to simulations and modelling. Actually, I’m very excited to learn about this course. First time I entered this class, my question is how this class is running. Is it students must bring our own laptop for every class of ICT in Science. This course looks like new to us because we never use them in our learning time in previous semester.  Those things regarding to assignment look very interactive and make us excited to learn about them as we haven’t used those technologies before. I’m so glad when have an opportunity to take this course, at the end of semester, I feel so confident to use all those things and helps me more enjoyable
For the first week, the first new thing that I learnt is about IWB. My friends and I were introduced to use it effectively and be friendlier to the component and function of IWB. We are requiring being more familiar with this board because it will be used wherever we want to make a presentation. And it is proven by all assignments were presented by using it, such as, Smart School, Cybercrime, Data Logging and Modelling and Simulation. IWB can help teacher in T&L process to be more meaningful and interesting.
From this course also, I need to make the other blog as my E-portfolio. This session was conduct by Miss Suzi. Wow, before this, I’m not really interested to build my own blog because I’m quite lazy to update the entire post item. However, for this course, I need to change my altitude and make 360 degree rotation. Once  I get more exposed to benefit of creating this E-Portfolio, I feel so excited  to post my entire and make an accessory to my E-Portfolio wall. E-portfolio is an educational blog. It will help my future student in T&L process as according to our government to have a techno-student in the future. As we know that, E-portfolio is a goal-driven, organized collection of materials that demonstrates a person’s expansion of knowledge and skill over time. 

As a future science teacher-want-to be, i think data logging is helpful to make an experiment done very well. There are many types of sensor that can connect to the data logger such as pulse sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pH sensor and others. One of the advantages of data logger is the accurate result can be obtained without any confusing. My group for instance, we are conducting an experiment about the properties of insulating material in term of how fast of the cooling rate between three of water bath that are wrapped by different insulating material. The accurate result about cooling curve can be obtained directly just around 10 minutes. The obvious differences can be observed directly after the data was transferred into computer. Three of different cooling curve was obtained on one graph  sheet automatically together with data table. This means   in real student life, students can do an experiment without wasting their time in obtaining the result because the data logger will help them to take the data and plot the graph. 

The last things that my friends and I learnt in this ICT in Science class are about modelling and simulation. At the beginning, we get some confuse on how to differentiate between simulation and modelling. Over the time, now I’m able to appreciate the benefit of them. As for my group, both of simulation and modeling show the relationship between temperature and reaction rate, all of us able to see what actually occur in molecular level effects of supplying heat to the system. Student can be visualized by using their naked eyes and be more interested to learn about it. Thus, the two-ways communication between teacher and student will occur effectively because student are given the chance to come to the front of the class and control the variable of modelling and  movement of simulation. This also helps to elicit the prior knowledge of student and consequently T&L will be successful.  I’m also don’t want to be “spoon feed’ teacher. I want them to thinking out of the box to make sure our future science student become too nerd. In the nutshell, my hope is I can be an educated science student, an dedication teacher want-to-be and I can further my study in the highest level.

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be 
greater than your fear if failure"


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